Events & Meetings

Since 2018, the Kansas University School of Nursing has hosted an annual Professional Identity in Nursing event attended by colleagues from around the U.S. and abroad.

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If you are interested in news and events regarding Professional Identity in Nursing or the Society, click here.

ISPIN Quarterly Meeting 2025 Q1

ISPIN Quarterly Meeting 2025 Q1

You are welcome to attend our first ISPIN Quarterly Meeting for 2025! This will be the first of three meetings scheduled for 2025. Please plan to attend and hear more about ISPIN and important updates. You will also have an opportunity to learn about how to become more involved and ask questions about ISPIN.

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ISPIN Mini-Symposium

ISPIN Mini-Symposium

The ISPIN Mini-Symposium, a virtual event, is scheduled for January 10, 2025, from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Central Time.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Discuss the interface of Professional Identity in Nursing and wellbeing.

  2. Identify exemplars of how organizations support a healthy work environment in which Professional Identity in Nursing can flourish.


  • $40.00 USD to be billed at a later date.

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 2025- Virtual Conference
to Nov 2

2025- Virtual Conference

ISPIN has grown significantly in the past few years and now finds itself at a crossroads. As leadership assesses its direction and priorities, we have decided to forego our annual event until fall 2025. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate everyone's understanding during this pivotal time in our initiative's development.

We are planning a virtual event for January 2025. We will keep you informed as we finalize details. Exciting things are on the ISPIN horizon.

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