Making A Difference in Nursing

Board of Directors

Executive Board Table
Post Name
PresidentRhoda A. Owens, PhD, RN
Vice PresidentDonna Meyer, MSN, RN, ANEF, FAADN, FAAN
Immediate Past PresidentBeth Cusatis Phillips, PhD, RN, CNE, CHSE
TreasurerKary Anne Weybrew, MSN, RN, WHNP
President-ElectMatthew S. Howard, DNP, RN, CEN, TCRN, CPEN, CPN, FAEN
SecretaryKristen Priddy, PhD, RN
Ex-Officio & FounderNelda Godfrey, PhD, ACNS-BC, FAAN, ANEF
Director of Membership ExperienceAmy Hite, EdD(c), DNP, APRN, FNP-C
Director of Professional OutreachJennifer L. Embree DNP, RN, NE-BC, CCNS, FAAN
Director of PracticeJulee Thompson, DNP, MBA, RN, CENP, FACHE, FAONL
Chair - Research and Evidence-Based Practice CommitteeDawn Goodolf, PhD, RN
Chair - Healthy Work Environment CommitteeMolly Jackson, DNP, RN, CNP, CNE
Chair - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging CommitteeDeborah Stamps, EdD, MBA, MS, RN, GNP, NE-BC, CDE, FADLN, FAAN

Meet Our Board of Directors