Stand Up and Make a Difference

ISPIN Committees

ISPIN Committees

Below, we will provide updates on the work from each committee as they become available.

  • TBA

  • TBA

  • TBA

  • TBA

  • Purpose:

    • To engage members in ISPIN's vision and mission to foster and form professional identity in individuals who can influence self, colleagues, and systems to promote wholeness of the nurse and the health of clients, families, and communities.

  • TBA

  • TBA

Committee members may access their committee websites below.

Want to become involved? Give back to the profession?

Interested in joining a committee? Want to find out more about them or how you can participate?

On the form, select “ISPIN Committees,” then select the committee or committees you would like to join or more information about. This form will be sent to the committee chair(s) for review and response.

A classroom setting with a seminar or presentation taking place. A woman at a podium speaks to an audience seated at tables. Large screens display a video call interface with a woman's portrait.

ISPIN Committee Work

Click below on the committee in which you are working. You will need your committee’s password to gain access to the site.

Group of adults in a classroom setting engaged in a workshop or meeting, sitting at tables with papers and notebooks.
A group of nurses posing on a staircase indoors with large windows and hanging round lights.