Who we are?

The International Society for Professional Identity in Nursing (ISPIN) advances the science, visibility, and integration of professional identity in nursing through research, collaboration, and advocacy.

The International Society for Professional Identity in Nursing, Inc. became incorporated in 2024 and is a nonprofit organization with a 501(c)(3) tax status in the United States.

Learn about Professional Identity in Nursing, its history, formation, and initiative

The University of Kansas School of Nursing helped establish the International Society for Professional Identity in Nursing to enhance nursing practice, education, and regulation.

Professional Identity in Nursing is defined as “a sense of oneself, and in relationship with others, that is influenced by characteristics, norms and values of the nursing discipline, resulting in an individual thinking, acting and feeling like a nurse” (Godfrey & Young, 2021).

The University of Kansas School of Nursing is leading an initiative in the industry to scientifically develop new knowledge and language around professional identity in nursing. As we refine the concept, we want to share this deeper understanding with students, nurses, healthcare colleagues, and society.

What is Professional Identity in Nursing?

Professional Identity in Nursing is defined as:

A sense of oneself, and in relation to others, that is influenced by characteristics, norms, and values of the nursing discipline, resulting in an individual thinking, acting, and feeling like a nurse.
— Definition of Professional Identity in Nursing adopted by the International Society for Professional Identity in Nursing, September 2019 © 2022 University of Kansas/ISPIN

Professional Identity in Action

Professional Identity in Nursing is critical for effective teamwork, quality patient care, and nurse job satisfaction and retention. Professional Identity in Nursing is too important to leave to chance. Find out why you should develop yours today!

From the University of Kansas Medical Center

Our Mission and Vision for Nursing

Mission: To change the culture of nursing through intentionally forming and fostering the professional identity of the nursing discipline.

Vision: That every nurse, worldwide, will fully embody their professional identity of nursing and maximize the health and wellbeing of those in their care.

The Professional Identity in Nursing Initiative is powered by the International Society for Professional Identity in Nursing (ISPIN), an international, no-cost membership group whose purpose is to:

  • Study and promote the science of professional identity in nursing.

  • Disseminate scholarly work and ensure meaningful practice integration and regulatory aspects of professional identity.

  • Lead collaboration with organizations representing regulatory, education, practice, and the healthcare consumer to foster the integration of all aspects of professional identity in nursing.

  • Increase the visibility and understanding of professional identity in nursing by nurses, other healthcare professionals, and society.

  • Be the voice to ensure the integration of professional identity in nursing in education, practice, and regulation.